Monday, November 17, 2008

We Did It!

Our first annual (hopefully) cranksgiving event is over now and I have to say that it was an overwhelming success! We managed to bring in 613 pounds of food that was donated this morning to the Eastern Illinois Foodbank. This far and away exceeded anything I could have expected

I want to say thanks to all of the people who helped bring this event together(Joel, Pieta, Brian, Sean, and Josh) and also to those who donated food or prizes. This event could not have happened without the 41 participants who showed up - the real thanks goes out to all of you!

We will be posting photos of the race and after party probably later this evening. Along with all of the winners.

Thanks Again,


Des said...

Thanks to all you guys for organizing it. It was a good time for a great cause.

S to the P said...

Thanks for putting on a great event! =)


I posted a few pictures here:

Also posted a couple videos from the skid comp: